Tuesday, April 18, 2017

#notabookstudy Week 1

I was very keen to be a part of this project for any number of reasons. Well, 10 to be precise!
In addition to knowing I would learn more about the work of Cathy Fosnot and how it relates to our goals in Ontario and Near North DSB math classrooms, I was fascinated to learn more about building a community of learners online.

I am always telling people that I learned most of what I know about tech-enabled learning and teaching from colleagues I met on Twitter. I have also had an all-purpose blog, that I contribute to in fits and starts, for several years. More recently, I have friended quite a few teacher friends in the virtual world of Facebook. I had explored on the fringes of the #ossemooc project as well.
But when Donna Fry started promoting #notabookstudy, I knew I wanted to try to become a part of it. It all boiled down to those 10 reasons!

For a variety of circumstances, I had to watch Week 1 from the sidelines. But now I am geared up for Week 2, and have my own reading done. My next blog post will address one of Cathy Fosnot’s questions – to the best of my ability.
But the new learning for me has been huge – VoiceEd Radio, trying to support participating bloggers by commenting on their thoughtful posts, not to mention Fosnot’s work itself.
I can’t help thinking of the potential for our #notabookstudy online community in light of our board’s new work with George Couros. Will my local colleagues take the plunge into the Twitterverse? If yes, might they be open to further online collaboration and learning.

I am very much looking forward to these possibilities.

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